Fiduciary Rules - Where Are We Now?
Over the last few years we have traced the evolution of regulatory fiduciary rulemaking in our newsletters. We have followed the movement from virtually no definition of a fiduciary rule to a tight definition in the previously proposed Fiduciary Rule, and then on to where we are now. And just where is that today?
SIMPLE IRA vs. 401(k): Which one is right for you?
If you are an employer, especially if you are an owner of a small business, you are most likely looking for ways to maximize your and your employee’s personal retirement savings dollars while also saving money in taxes.
COVID-19 Update: The CARES Act
Life has been coming at us fast lately as we cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Yesterday, the Senate passed the CARES Act (Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), which offers over two trillion dollars in aid.
The SECURE Act - What's It Mean For Me?
The Senate passed the most sweeping retirement legislation in decades - The SECURE Act. Find out how it impacts you here.
Cash Balance 5: Dr. Westing and Dr. Yo (A Case Study)
Is a cash balance plan a good fit as a retirement plan for a doctor's office with ten employees?
Back to School Series 1: Three Things All Educators in Georgia Should Know about Retirement
It's Back to School here in Georgia. Here are the Top 3 Things Teachers Need to Know about their Teacher's Retirement System of Georgia benefit!
Plan Sponsor Series 5: Safe Harbor 401(k) Plans - Answers to the Most Common Questions
One of the most under considered aspects of 401(k) plans, especially smaller ones, is overall plan design. This can happen when a small plan chooses a very large 401(k) provider who provides more standardized plan designs due to their sheer size. These plans may work satisfactorily but it is possible that rethinking and customizing a smaller plan's design might better suit both the principals and the employees in the sponsoring company.
Plan Sponsor Series 1: What’s the Difference Between an Index Fund, an ETF and a Mutual Fund?
One of the main questions we often hear is "What's the difference between mutual funds, low-cost index funds, and ETFs?" This post breaks down the definitions for each one and compares their overall offerings.